Gold Prices in Pakistan Today (Per Tola, Gram,& Ounce) 2024

1. What is the current gold price in Pakistan?

24 karat gold: PKR 238800 per tola
22 karat gold: PKR 218898 per tola
21 karat gold: PKR 208950 per tola

2. Is it a good time to buy gold in Pakistan?

This decision depends on your individual financial goals and risk tolerance. Gold is
traditionally seen as a haven investment, but its price can be volatile. Researching market
trends and seeking professional financial advice can help you make an informed decision.

3. Why does the gold price fluctuate?

Global economic conditions: A strong global economy can lead to an increase in the price
of gold, while a weak economy can cause it to fall.
Supply and Demand: If the demand for gold exceeds the supply,
the price will rise, and vice versa.
Currency Fluctuations: Changes in the value of the Pakistani rupee against other currencies
can also affect the price of gold.
Interest rates: When interest rates are low, gold becomes more attractive
as an investment, increasing in value.

4. What are the different types of gold available in Pakistan?

Gold in Pakistan is generally available in various carats ranging from 18k to 24k.
24k gold is the purest form but is also soft and expensive. 22k and 21k gold are
more common for jewelry because of their durability and slightly lower cost.